Sunday, August 16, 2009


OK....I hurt myself yesterday. Pebbles and I had a little runaway on the trail, twice. I have no clue what was bothering her. How I wish she could talk and tell me what was going on in her mind. So far, until yesterday, she has been practically perfect for a beginner. But, whoa...she made up for it yesterday, first dumping me off when I first got on and then again about a mile or so out she completely melted down and ran me through the trees and downhill until I finally fell off again. I could tell it was coming but I for some strange reason thought I could stay with it when it happened. She was just too jittery....I should have listened to the clues she was giving me.
Why on earth did she blow up with me? There are several possible factors: sore foot-not likely, tack not fitting properly-doubtful, coyote in the vicinity-possible, just being a mule-probably. Anyway, my intention to ride her when we got home went by the wayside as my leg and hip continued to swell throughout the day. I guess she won this round even though I tried to fall off gracefully!

In a few days when I feel better, we will start again with the saddle and learning to stop and stand still like before and hopefully she'll pick it back up without any resistance. Being a crazy mule lady is usually a lot more rewarding and fun. But, while I am a little discouraged, I am not ready to give up on Pebbles yet. She still has a lot of potential.


ncwdust said...

I felt really bad about your falls...I hope you aren't too hurt.

Laurel really enjoyed your John for the ride.

Unknown said...

Wow! I had no idea!

Animals can be just as unpredictable as people I suppose. Hope you feel better and Pebbles becomes her old self again.

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