Monday, November 08, 2021

Little Bit of Lot

Decades ago, this little section of land was deeded to my father upon the death of a relative.  It's been a topic of discussion at the dinner table many different times and quick to encourage four letter words to rise to the surface.  I think it's cursed ground.  I know of no happiness whatsoever associated with this property.  It belonged to an evil person and several people who at one time tried to take it by force or have accidentally thought they owned it but legally didn't.  I have no idea of how much fruitless work's been done there.   It's cost me hundreds of dollars in the last year for maintenance and I still did a rather poor job of keeping it up.  

Until this summer, it truly was contentiously unmanageable and now that it isn't, a whole new issue has developed for the little lot, in the little town where fewer people want to live anymore.  A friend who is like family did a lot of equipment work to bring the earth back to light.  But this can't be the end...else I fall in line with all those before me.  Should it be further developed?  I am thinking about building a duplex there and finally using the land for something more than holding the world together before we all get tossed into the lake of fire.  It's a little bit of an idea for a little bit of a lot, one worth little but always a lot of trouble.  

This photo shows the one beautiful tree left from where a large one used to stand before a local businessman (now deceased) who wanted the land had it cleared away in an effort to entice my dad to sell....boy, nobody could force Billy Dale to do anything - but the worst possible approach was to apply pressure.  He was like me, like most of us: isn't that why marketing was born?  To make a person think your idea is necessary,  it's their wish, fits into their plan, makes their dream come true.  Even now after so many years and knowing the history, my DNA might get in the, I wonder, if I am dreaming about being a slum lord or just wanting to do something different before I die and come back to haunt the place.  Which by the way, might not be long if I don't figure out how to get past this spot,  or pay the property tax.


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