Friday, June 11, 2010

U---------unwavering faith

Opportunity requires a leap of faith. Conversely, everything we do should be done with faith in God and his great plan for us. The unwavering belief we have leads to positive hope and that transfers into (you guessed it)...Opportunity!

My brother drove across our country and Canada on a leap of faith. He wanted to take the opportunity to test a new market for his business. It wasn't easy, mentally or physically, to drive 4000 miles alone, knowing the destination was completely unfamiliar - but he did it. And, he's a stronger person for it. I'm proud of him for taking the leap of faith.


Unknown said...

I'm going to assume he made it!
Thank God! What a cool adventure he is having. I sure hope he took a camera. :)

Karla Rush said...

He made it on Wednesday. Says he's seen buffalo, grizzly bears, moose and more. I wish I could have gone with him but he did get there safely.

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