Friday, February 20, 2009

Phat Photo For February

Here's the Phat Photo for the month of February. This one is actually a photo of a photo. My brother Ken has this family portrait hanging on the wall in his house. The home was originally built by my Nan and Papaw, my dad's parents. My mother's dad (aka Grandpa Norman Lamb) did much of the actual building but my Nan did all the finish work, including putting up the paneling, painting, hanging doors, and such. Anyway, this picture was probably taken about 1958-60. Not really sure but it's cool. Pictured in the back row (L-R) is my daddy, Billy, my Aunt Marilea, Aunt Margrhea and then Uncle Bob who passed away last month. On the front row seated is Papaw and Nan (Clarence and Anna Murial) and the youngest child in the Ashlock family, my Aunt Arlynn. Aren't they beautiful, handsome and traditional? This is a priceless photograph and for whatever reason they were compelled to pause from all the hard work they had to do on the farm to get this picture made...I am so glad they did it.

1 comment:

Amber, Matt and Annie said...

I didn't know your beloved Nan's name was Anna!!! You never mentioned it I don't think, or if you did I didnt' realize it! Wow, so all of Annie's great grandmothers are named Ann. . . that is so neat!

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