Saturday, February 14, 2009

Left Overs To Do

So much to do today...not even time for Valentine's Day festivities. Fred and I have been working since 6 this morning trying to do chores. There's still a lot left over to do today!

*Laundry-left over from ice storm electrical outage
*Yardwork-left over from ice storm tree damage. Limbs are everywhere!
*Bookwork-left over money in the bank at the end of the week = zero
*Pets-left two mules in the barn to load up and take to the vet in a bit
*Addition-left the heat/air guys and the electrician all working out in the house
*Krispy Kreme Donuts-left a box with the guys working out in the house. Must eat 'leftovers' later
*Lunch-leftover soup from Thursday night heating up now

Hope some time is left over later for a nap!

1 comment:

ncwdust said...

I'm tired just reading about your list of things to do....I was lazy yesterday and only did a few I'm doing a bit more but not a lot! I'll pay for this lazy weekend soon though!

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